Kendall Extra Wide Dresser

Finished the Kendall Extra Wide Dresser for my daughter Becca. Built from Ed Hart’s plan with a few modifications. Very happy with the results. URL to his site is

Here are some pictures:

I deviated from the plan at bit. First, I added a horizontal rails on the top and bottom of the side panels. These are not structural, just wood strips glued and nailed to the plywood.

Second, the drawer faces were just solid wood with moulding strips nailed to it. I used a stile/rail approach with solid wood inserts for each of the drawer faces.

Finally, I added a bottom to the dresser from some left over plywood and put a back on it using 1/4″ double side sanded ply.

Supplies in total cost about $300.

If I build another unit, the only thing I would change is to use tongue/groove (see image below) to build the drawer boxes instead of  pocket joinery/screws.
